The development of application-specific oil mist coalescing filters, with or without pressure regulation, is among our core skills and one of the central services of UT99.

Operating principle
To lower the gas pressure below atmospheric levels in lubricating oil tanks (OTV) and crankcases with open ventilation (OCV), a blower is necessary. In these systems, the desired nominal pressure is achieved by adjusting the blower speed accordingly. This requires the use of a pressure sensor. Alternatively, the blower can be run at a constant speed and the pressure be adjusted using a valve. In the case of closed crankcase ventilation systems (CCV), the pressure in the crankcase is also affected by the loss of pressure in the filter and the lines, as well as the pressure conditions in the intake tract. A valve must be installed in the ventilation system to regulate the pressure in the crankcase. The pressure loss of the valve has to be adjusted to obtain the desired pressure in the crankcase. A blower can also be used to support the process.
Advantages of electronic designs
The functionality of ventilation systems can be improved by using digital solutions such as pressure-regulating blowers or electronic pressure regulators (EPRs). These components allow precise pressure regulation in lubricating oil tanks and crankcases. In addition, pressure sensors that support smart functions such as monitoring, diagnostics, and predictive maintenance can also be installed.

Did you know?
The desired pressure in the crankcase varies according to the
application and the fuel.Too high a pressure within the crankcase can result in the escape of oil (the engine
sweats) or to harmful emissions.If the pressure is too low, ambient dust may be sucked in and contaminate the engine oil.