Knowledge Base

Dip into the fascinating world of UT99 here in the Know-How section. You'll find interesting background information about oil mist separators—and much more besides.

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Oil mist coalescing filters

Gas-borne drops of oil must be separated in situations where they damage the environment, pose a risk to health, or impair the operation of a system or a machine. This is what coalescing filters are for, and they've already proved themselves in many applications. Find out more here.

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Pressure regulation during filtration

The development of application-specific oil mist coalescing filters, with or without pressure regulation, is among our core skills and one of the central services of UT99.

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Blow-by volume flow measurement

Measuring the blow-by volume flow presents a significant challenge due to the high temperatures, pressure fluctuations, aggressive combustion by-products, saturated oil vapors, and fine oil droplets. Find out more here.

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Crankcase ventilation

When an engine is running, an oil mist forms in the crankcase. This mist has to be separated before it enters the atmosphere or the engine intake tract. The development of crankcase ventilation systems with very high separation efficiency, precise pressure regulation, and an optimal service life is among our core skills.

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Lubricating oil tank ventilation

Oil-lubricated turbine bearings produce an oil mist, which is typically vented centrally through the oil tank. Active coalescing filters are the ideal choice for venting and oil mist separation, as they use a blower to create a vacuum in the tank that prevents the unintended escape of oil mist through small gaps (e.g., labyrinth seals). Find out more here.

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Our knowledge of oil mist coalescing filters with precise pressure regulation and robust volume flow measurement for crankcase and lubricating oil tank ventilation forms the basis of the central services of UT99.

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