Reliability and precision - independent of industry, even under demanding conditions
Numerous companies from industries with a wide variety of requirements rely on our technologies and services as well as our well-founded experience. For example, our products are integrated in power plants, off-highway vehicles, in shipping or offshore applications.
UT99 trust among others:
2G Energy – Bergen Engines (Rolls-Royce Power Systems) – Caterpillar Energy Solutions – Dritte Kusch Yachtbau – GE Power – Liebherr Components Colmar – Liebherr Machines Bulle – MAN Energy Solutions – Meyer Werft – MTU Friedrichshafen (Rolls-Royce Power Systems) – MV WERFTEN Wismar – SCHNELL Motoren – Siemens Power Generation Oil & Gas

Power plants / Combined heat and power plants (CHP)
Worldwide, the generation of electricity and heat increasingly takes place close to the location through CHP. While this technology is partly without alternatives, which, for example in offshore or off-highway applications, are not connected to public power grid, it also offers numerous other advantages: Power losses, which are unavoidable with supplied energy, are very low.
Power and heat generation close to the site is highly efficient and ensures independence and security of energy supply.
UT99 oil mist separators for internal combustion engines and lube oil tank ventilation increase availability and efficiency and reduce the operating costs of power plants, especially with closed crankcase ventilation (CCV).
Maritime applications
Self-sufficient energy supply is unavoidable in ships, marine and offshore applications. Oil mist separators for crankcase and lube oil tank ventilation are also being used more and more frequently in maritime applications.
Cruise ships
Several million litres of lube oil still enter the oceans every year because oil mist from ship engines is discharged into the atmosphere untreated. In the cruise industry in particular, increased environmental awareness, stricter regulations and requirements for cleanliness and occupational safety are leading to increased demand for oil mist separators, to which we, as an industry pioneer, responded at an early stage.
We are the first and only manufacturer worldwide to offer oil mist separators with type approval from Germanischer Lloyd and RINA - for more safety and environmental protection in marine and offshore applications.

Away from land-based power supply, engines and/or gas turbines are used at sea.
Oil mist generated during the ventilation of crankcases, lube oil tanks and bearings is currently very often discharged untreated into the atmosphere via the exhaust air. This results in dangerous pollution of the outer decks and serious environmental pollution. UT99 oil mist separators prevent this.

"Off the road", for example in road construction, agriculture, forestry, mining and rail vehicles, machines with extraordinarily powerful engines are used.
Modern compact combustion engines in particular require efficient heat dissipation. UT99 oil mist separators significantly reduce surface deposits in or on the engine so that the maximum permissible operating temperature is not exceeded. Gas engines with closed crankcase ventilation (CCV) increase efficiency by up to 0.7 %.
At the same time, the oil content in blow-by gas is virtually completely eliminated for the benefit of environmental protection and occupational safety.